Opportunities for Seniors Independently
Sign up and complete one or more of these assessments as soon as possible, and BEFORE WINTER BREAK.
Sign up here to take or retake the SAT exam before winter break. Earn a score of 470 or higher in English, and 500 or higher in math. See Ms. Cecilia in room 2327 for a fee waiver.
Sign up here to take the ACT exam before winter break. Earn a score of 18 or higher in English, and 19 or higher in math. See Ms. Cecilia in room 2327 for a fee waiver.
Sign up here to take the Next Generation Accuplacer before winter break. Earn a score of 241 or above on Reading, or 236 or above on Writing; and 255 or above on Arithmetic, or 230 or above on Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra, and Statistics.
Sign up here to take the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) before winter break. Earn a score of 31 or higher on the Armed Forces Qualification Test (AFQT). See Ms. Cecilia in room 2327 for more information.
When you have completed your testing and receive your scores, be sure to report your scores to the Registrar, Mrs. Shannon Campos, [email protected], in office 1150.